Thursday, 16 October 2008

From 1st to Last

You never really know what will happen next...

Luck also plays a huge role. How do you find a CD out of hundreds or thousands? Some get it fast, some just no luck. My hat off to Mai and Oliver here for not giving up. Unfortunately, luck is not on their side and its the first elimination of this kind - Allan had to walk up to them and tell them the sad news.

sorry, try again

Sorry, try again... 

Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Another Odd One OUT

Noticed how "strong" teams always kinda dominates the race? Usually its always the muscular and athletic ones, never the girly girl or that troublesome couple. Lucky AXN is smart enough not to put in two alpha males that are quite likely to win the race. Makes the race more equal and interesting to watch.

I'm glad this time the girls are leading. Never let big alpha males dominate the race!

Oh yeah, does anyone know where to watch the Amazing Race Asia online?? Its hard to write about it, when you cant watch it.

Thursday, 18 September 2008

Amazing Race Asia is back!

Season 3 is back. This time filled with more stars and good looking people (except one team, who are weird - in a nice way - to watch). What's in stall for this season? We'll soon find out!

Meanwhile, its good to know that FINALLY... there's no non-elimination in the first episode. That's one less team to confuse who's who or which one is leading the race. Then you'll get to know the contestants better.

p.s. Does anyone know where to watch TARA3 online? Its hard to catch up with episodes while travelling.

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

New Season - Amazing Race Asia 3!

New season starting soon. As soon as I learn where I could watch ARA3 online, I'll be blogging about it weekly (also depending on when I get my laptop fixed!).

Thursday, 10 January 2008

Alignment problem solved!

So sorry for the alignment problem!!

Seems like blogger has a big bug here... and its something that is giving me a big headache!

But.. fraid not... problem is fixed!!! Now we can continue my updates on TARA 2

Stay tuned!

Monday, 7 January 2008

Crazy TARA Timing on AXN Channel

One thing about TARA that I simply *MUST* comment on - the timing of the program on AXN.

Why, oh why, must AXN air the show simultaneously together with The Amazing Race 12 (US Version)?!?!?

Now by doing so, AXN is just making it easy for its viewers to compare both versions of the race. You watch the US version on Monday, and then the Asian version on Thursday. Heck, there's even repeats throughout the week if you missed any. Now, who can genuinely say that TARA is just as good as TAR? Look carefully on the editing, storyline, and even compare the tasks/challenges. Something amiss??

Let me run down for you my own observations/comparisons:

Editing - TAR focuses on the tasks and real race, whereas TARA is just a maze of confusion. The beginning is slow, focusing on how contestants get their transportation and maybe even too much on them reading the clues (next time you just count how many times they showed it). Then at the end of the show, its just one whirlwind of a clip, and before you know it, contestants already reached the checkpoint. Did you even see the last few teams completing their tasks?

Storyline - Oh. Now, did anyone at all notice WHY all other contestants hate the dancing moms so much? No? I didn't catch it either. If this is an important storyline, then they should at least try to play it in!

Detours - Did anyone notice how obvious all detours are? Like there's not really any choice, e.g. delivering 3 rounds of food or just fish up coins from the tank? Or how bout climbing many flights of stairs vs absailing down a wall? Duh.. No challenge at all. That is why the last team can never catch up.

Furthermore, with simultaneous airing, isn't it a little confusing? I almost wanted to write something about Ronald (Asian Dad) until I realised.. opps.. he's from TAR not TARA! If only AXN is smart enough to air TARA after TAR ends, then they would at least manage to capture the same viewership throughout the year. Now, what will we all watch when TAR and TARA ends???

C'mon AXN. Do you think your Asian viewers are brainless morons?