Episode 3 - Bali, Indonesia.
In an almost impossible task, you need to ask yourself: “at which point will quitting while you’re ahead actually give you an advantage?” or “how long do I continue trying before I actually lose out?”
Salute goes to the Malaysian girls, Zabrina and Joe Jer. Last to quit, at which they arrived at the next destination during closing hours and had to wait for other teams to catch up and even out. They must be kicking themselves about quitting by then. And then, after a long hard race, they arrived at the destination FIRST, but losing out to the “best friends” due to the 4 hour penalty. They must be kicking themselves again (even harder) for quitting this time! I’ll bet my money that they’ll not quit any other tasks again!

First team to arrive, but did not hear "You are team number... (long awkward pause) ... ONE"
One also has to wonder why Sharon an dMelody, the Singaporeans, exclaim “Oh Beaaachh!!” when they saw the beach on the way to the pit stop. Wouldn’t you see enough of the ocean when living on a tiny tiny island? Ok, so maybe the beaches there are blaahh. But won’t you be afraid of even looking at a pile of sand after digging on a beach for half a day? I love the Beeaacchhh!
Goodbye finally to Aubrey and Jaq, the Phillipino models (I’m sure all the guys out there knows what kind of models they really are). I guess they’ve bribed enough taxi drivers with their kisses. What makes them think that being sexy will take them far? Oh yeah, they are already famous for being sexy and bimbo-ish. Hey, I also just realised that now all the Phillipinos teams are gone! Wonder who’ll they support next week?
Aspiring blondes, Aubrey and Jaq

Congrats goes to the "best friends" from Sri Lanka, Sahran and Howard. Though I'm sure many people out there are wondering if they're more than that. If you're not, then look at this: This is how "best friends" hug
And I can't resist putting in this funny shot of them reacting to Allan's (boring) exclamation that they've just won this leg of the race.
"You are team number... (wait for it) ... ONE!"

i like this... is really cool
did you record ng first episode of Amazing Race Asia? let me know pls.... y
here's my e-ad rosemarie_andaya@inbox.com.... ty
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