Monday, 19 March 2007

TARA Partner

Hurry.. a week left! If you're around KL, and still partner-less, you can drop me an email at

Audition Video

I can run faster than you!

Competitive: We can run very fast We can swim very far We’re very athletic We’re smarter than average We’re highly travelled We have good sense of direction We’re willing to do whatever it takes We can speak 12 different languages

Reverse Psych those judges!

Reverse psychology: We’re adventure virgins We’ve never got outside out town We’ve never flew in an airplane We’ve never seen that much money Our kids never been to Disneyland

I want to win!

Desire: We want to win We need the cash We want to see how our relationship can withstand the stress We want to travel We want people to recognise our face We want to show people we’re more then just a pretty face

Anyone can wear their underwear outside

Funny: Act out a funny scenario Bounce around wearing your underwear on the outside

Act like you're already in the Amazing Race!

Racing: Act like you’re in the race Act like you’ve just won the race Act like you’re doing a detour Act like you’re in a road block Act like you’ve just arrived at the pit stop

Do whatever you want: You can shoot whatever you want, even boring videos of your team rambling on and on and on... (heck, Andy and Laura still got picked!)

Friday, 16 March 2007

The Amazing Race Asia 2!

The Amazing Race Asia is about to venture into the second season.
And they're looking for participants.
Yes, the application is now OPEN!
They are looking for:
Citizens of Asia (or working in Asia)
Above 21 years of age
Has a valid international driving licence
Able to drive manual transmission
Have a valid passport
Speak English
Good team chemistry
If you fit the above criteria, then hurry!
Application deadline is 30th March 2007

Long Time No Blog

Sorry for the long delay in blogging. I thought nobody actually visits my blog. But then, up till today, there are about 600+ visitors to this blog! Wow. (ok, so its not a BIG number, but still...) And I've noticed there's still a few coming in every week.
Thank you for visiting. Hope you enjoy reading my posts.
If you do enjoy it, and want more, please feel free to leave comments... even if its just to say "Hi"