Competitive: We can run very fast We can swim very far We’re very athletic We’re smarter than average We’re highly travelled We have good sense of direction We’re willing to do whatever it takes We can speak 12 different languages

Reverse Psych those judges!
Reverse psychology: We’re adventure virgins We’ve never got outside out town We’ve never flew in an airplane We’ve never seen that much money Our kids never been to Disneyland
Desire: We want to win We need the cash We want to see how our relationship can withstand the stress We want to travel We want people to recognise our face We want to show people we’re more then just a pretty face
Anyone can wear their underwear outside
Funny: Act out a funny scenario Bounce around wearing your underwear on the outside
Act like you're already in the Amazing Race!
Racing: Act like you’re in the race Act like you’ve just won the race Act like you’re doing a detour Act like you’re in a road block Act like you’ve just arrived at the pit stop
Do whatever you want: You can shoot whatever you want, even boring videos of your team rambling on and on and on... (heck, Andy and Laura still got picked!)
Hey, that was some good information. Do you have any idea how I can see the previous audition video from the last season applicants?
It would be great if you could let me know.
Thanx a lot. Keep up with the information.
Should the vdo be edited? Or do you think showing 3 minutes of non editing is better (just so they can see the connection between 2 people)?
pleassse reccommend!
I've put up Andy and Laura's audition video in the first few blogs here. Try to browse through it.
Alternatively, you can always use YouTube to search for the audition tapes. I've only managed to find Andy and Laura's. On the official website, there's details on how you can access to the Podcast of the audition tapes. (And please tell me what you see, cos I havent seen it myself yet)
I think a lot of it goes into how you fill in the forms. There's a lot of details that you can put there. I think that's how Andy and Laura got in, instead of relying completely on the audition tapes.
I referred to the blog you posted the Audition Tape but it said the Clip is no longer available. Are there any other ways at all?
Sorry, I don't really know where else to look for it besides in YouTube or the AXN's official website.
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