Tuesday, 21 November 2006

The Amazing Race Reaches Asia!

Finally, a race around the world (or half of it) just for us! The Amazing Race has reached our shores.

Hosted by Allan Wu from Singapore.

Watch AXN every Thursday 9pm (Malaysia).


Anonymous said...

Yaayyy to Amazing Race!!

Anonymous said...

I luv the show!

pork chop said...

I think Allan needs to find his own style, and be himself. He's basically trying very hard to be the Asian version of Phil. Look at his expression at the pit stop, that frown, before he tells a team their position. I'm pretty sure that was stolen from Phil.If Phil is the philiminator, Allan should be the Allaniminator? haha

Unknown said...

interesting write up. finally some1 gave a crude, to the point and honest writing on the whole TARA thing; while not being racist abt any team in particular. love it.