Did anyone notice how much advertisement goes into this show? Look at the major sponsors, Air Asia and Sony. Of course for the shorter trips, the teams need to take Air Asia flights. And I’m sure some of you may have noticed the Air Asia owner shaking hands with the teams on their first flight. Lets not even begin with the Sony. Some of the tasks involving using Sony stuff are irrelevant. Like for this episode, why need to take the pictures of the jump, when its not going to be judged on the pictures? They should make Howard jump again because Sahran took bad pictures. That’ll make the tasks more interesting. And did anyone notice how all the teams came down from the flight wearing the New Zealand's silver fern cap? I just wonder how much money they’ve made from the show. And all the winner gets is US$100,000. Hmphs.

Gotta promote New Zealand
When the clue says “search for girl on swing”, please don’t go running around the entire island looking for all the swings possible. This time Andrew and Syeon used their brains! They scan the area of the jetty first before deciding where to go. For the others, shame on you for rushing out like that! What’s worse is that some of you just don’t know when to stop – even up to the point of hitch-hiking or taking a taxi to find the one swing that they haven’t looked yet. And this just leads to some teams lagging way behind, playing catch-up.
Now now, isn't hitch-hiking dangerous?

How many times in the show did they mention “only public transportations are allowed, no riding in personal vehicles at all times!”?? Can anyone name me one episode where this was not mentioned?? C’mon guys, listen to the rules. You need to play by the rules. And although you can run, you have all the brawns others don’t have, doesn’t mean you’re invincible. And c’mon, don’t go complaining that you didn’t know the rules! That’s just lame. Either the rules didn’t stick on your Teflon brain, or you just play ignorance. All I can say is - you deserve it! Good bye! 
Now, don’t go breaking the law!
Sharon and Melody, a tad bit lucky this time. Have your luck just been switched with Laura and Andy?? Maybe the fall did the trick. So, next episode, a lot of your fans may be wishing for one of you to dislocate their knee. Or at least turn evil. Anyway, congrats to team Blah. You may be slightly more interesting to watch after all… at least more than your audition video.
Did wearing the sponsor caps helped them win?
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