Saturday, 30 December 2006

No More Crying!

Finally, Sahran and Howard are gone! There are no more non-elimination legs to save you guys… sorry! Its about time. Everyone who follows the show knows that they are one level behind the others – in other words, they are the weakest! And they were pretty lucky to have survived this long, and win one leg of the race (and it’s a prize winning leg too!). One has extreme fear of heights (its funny watching him cry his heart out because of it, not once, but TWICE), the other is claustrophobic and has weak skin. Hey, who gets blisters trying to pry open a coconut with a hammer?! And both of them cant drive stick. I mean, I think they really had guts to even try applying for the show in the first place, knowing they had to go through their worse fears.
Which one is the 'weaker' link? I'm undecided...
Now, one thinks they would have learnt their lesson getting lost in a taxi in Bangkok. But nooo… they had to challenge themselves trying to get from Bangkok to Krabi by bus. There’s of course, the direct bus, but that would be just too simple. 3 teams just had to try bus-hopping throughout the journey. Lucky for them (or maybe it was rigged), they all had to wait till opening hours, which gave these teams time to catch up.

Catch the right bus, or risk getting lost in Thailand... again.

M&Ms. They need to learn how to count! Firstly, the number of hours from 3am to 7pm is 16 hours. Yes, that’s how long they travelled on the 5 buses from Bangkok to Krabi. And then, why did they need to splurge all their money to buy backpacks??! They should have thought it out way way before the start of the race and get LIGHT, SMALL backpacks. Did anyone ever notice an episode where the M&Ms hadn’t got nice food or a massage?? Shameful of them – resorting to begging to support their lifestyle! And just another note here, the show should have gotten all the teams backpacks! Cheapskates!

At least they are smart enough to go after the Fast Forward. I'm dissapointed that no one else rushed for it.

The coconut task. If I take 5 minutes to just break one coconut, and still have 50 ahead of me, I’d give in quickly! It wont take 5 minutes to swim to a marker to check for the clue. This is where teams should use the stuff between their ears. Discard the coconut and swim! Don’t wait till you have a blistering hand to switch tasks. After all, 2 teams already did that and walked away with the clue.

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