Saturday, 30 December 2006
Predictions for Episode 9
No More Crying!

Catch the right bus, or risk getting lost in Thailand... again.
M&Ms. They need to learn how to count! Firstly, the number of hours from 3am to 7pm is 16 hours. Yes, that’s how long they travelled on the 5 buses from Bangkok to Krabi. And then, why did they need to splurge all their money to buy backpacks??! They should have thought it out way way before the start of the race and get LIGHT, SMALL backpacks. Did anyone ever notice an episode where the M&Ms hadn’t got nice food or a massage?? Shameful of them – resorting to begging to support their lifestyle! And just another note here, the show should have gotten all the teams backpacks! Cheapskates!
At least they are smart enough to go after the Fast Forward. I'm dissapointed that no one else rushed for it.
The coconut task. If I take 5 minutes to just break one coconut, and still have 50 ahead of me, I’d give in quickly! It wont take 5 minutes to swim to a marker to check for the clue. This is where teams should use the stuff between their ears. Discard the coconut and swim! Don’t wait till you have a blistering hand to switch tasks. After all, 2 teams already did that and walked away with the clue.
Thursday, 28 December 2006
Predictions for Episode 8
Well… lets see. The 3 weakest teams left are Sahran and Howard, Mardy and Marsio (M&Ms), and Zabrina and Joe Jer. At least the first 2 teams had won a leg before, its only the last all-girl team that remains without winning any leg. Plus, they did come in Last last week. Sounds too easy isn’t it? I’d say the one out is probably someone we’d not expect. So, for my predictions this week. I’d like to put in the very “Asian” couples, 1. Andy and Laura – it’s the end of the road for their evil ways! 2. Beauty and the Beef... and... 3. Zabrina and Joe Jer – just in case it DOES get too predictable. Happy new year!
Wednesday, 27 December 2006
Surprise! Another Non-Elimination Leg!

Congratulations this time to the Thais. Winning on “home ground” is Andy and Laura. Though “evil”, but then again, where’s the entertainment if everyone is a goody two shoes. I wonder if your country is rooting for you??
Andy and Laura, the only "Asian" couple to kiss on air.
Thursday, 21 December 2006
Predictions for Episode 7

Is this enough Caltex airtime?

So, anyway, congrats to Beef and Beauty. Luckily beef is wearing more clothes these days, and make him seem more tolerable, though beauty is talking way way more than she did before. Its almost on the verge of being irritating. And to the Singaporean girls, you know your own mistake – just not pushing yourselves enough to win the race. No more determination.
The face of defeat. They knew they were out.
Thursday, 14 December 2006
Predictions for Episode 6

Episode 5 - Play By the Rules!

Now, don’t go breaking the law!
Sharon and Melody, a tad bit lucky this time. Have your luck just been switched with Laura and Andy?? Maybe the fall did the trick. So, next episode, a lot of your fans may be wishing for one of you to dislocate their knee. Or at least turn evil. Anyway, congrats to team Blah. You may be slightly more interesting to watch after all… at least more than your audition video.
Did wearing the sponsor caps helped them win?
Wednesday, 6 December 2006
Episode 5 Predictions
Friday, 1 December 2006
Yet Another Non-Elimination!

Friday, 24 November 2006
Of Quitters and Diggers

One also has to wonder why Sharon an dMelody, the Singaporeans, exclaim “Oh Beaaachh!!” when they saw the beach on the way to the pit stop. Wouldn’t you see enough of the ocean when living on a tiny tiny island? Ok, so maybe the beaches there are blaahh. But won’t you be afraid of even looking at a pile of sand after digging on a beach for half a day? I love the Beeaacchhh!

Congrats goes to the "best friends" from Sri Lanka, Sahran and Howard. Though I'm sure many people out there are wondering if they're more than that. If you're not, then look at this: This is how "best friends" hug

Wednesday, 22 November 2006
Episode 2 - Jakarta

Becareful, crocs rule!
All those mild and easy tasks put all teams ahead. Therefore, the team who got lost couldn’t catch up. Unlike the real TAR, where if teams got really lost, they’d arrive at the pit stop late at night (poor Phil have to stay up and wait for them). Unfortunately, the first team to be eliminated for the race are the fittest couple and the favourites to win the race. (I’d much rather see Beef and beauty go. Or at least feel a bit more satisfied if they were out first before this team)
Ernie and Jeena: Don't tell me Beef was here first?!
Online Amazing Race
Congrats, Jsquare... you lucky fellas! (Tell me if you ACTUALLY got the cash prize!)
By the way, there were suppose to be some consolation prizes from the sponsors (Sony, Air Asia, Caltex). But was never specified what the prizes were, how many prizes there were, nor who got those prizes! (Whoever got any of those prizes, I'd like to know who you are)
Oh, and did I mention what a brilliant marketing gimmick this Online Race was?
Tuesday, 21 November 2006
Amazing Race Asia - Pilot (Episode 1) - Kuala Lumpur
From Dataran Merdeka, Kuala Lumpur
10 teams
Sahran crying like a baby on his first task
This brings me to another white couple, who supposedly represent Thailand. I wonder if the Thais are supporting them? They are SUPER boring by the way. And by reading this, I’m sure you’ll have a hard time picturing their faces, which is why I’ll display their pic here:
Laura and Andy. "Thais".
I still doubt you'll remember them anyway, unless you look out for them in the next episodes. They probably got picked because they're the only team who dare kiss infront of the camera. And here’s their audition video (If anyone manages to sit through the entire 3 minutes with FULL attention, please say “aye” in the comments. I’d like to meet these people and see if the classified sections can give them more excitement): So, anyway, this episode is such disappointment. It’s a non-elimination race. Why would they do that so darn early in the race?! Come on, who’d miss this couple if they were out? In fact, who’d wanna see this beauty and the beast? Actually, I really mean "beef"… his muscles look all beefed up, plus he always wear that superduper ugly tank top. Yikes.
Beauty and the Beef. "Honkies".
The Amazing Race Reaches Asia!
Hosted by Allan Wu from Singapore.
Watch AXN every Thursday 9pm (Malaysia).